First day back in Majorca.

Being honest here and there's not much to tell ya about today but please keep reading!!  For me it started with breakfast at around 9.30am and that wasn't even enough sleep.  I wasn't in bed last night until after midnight, building the bike and tidying up the mess I made in the process.

My spin today was 3 hours Z2 which started at 11am.  It was a group spin with the rest of the team and Brian Nugent was our tour guide (I'm saying nothing else on that point).  The spin was flat enough but there was the odd drag to upset your rhythm, the total distance was 110k and the wind was howling ever metre of it.  Also, Andy was kind enough to make me sit on the front for the whole spin, thanks!  A sick side of me actually enjoyed staying on the front as whether you like it or not you get a good workout, my average watts were 252 and an average cadence of 99 rpm which is rare for me.  One of the thing I found hardest to adapt for the track was my cadence, anyone who knows me from the road will tell you my cadence was useless.  If I had an average cadence near 80 I was doing well.

With that spin done the rest of the day was pretty routine, food, rest and more rest.  Tomorrow is the first day back on track so that should be fun.

Talk to ya's then,



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