A screwed up 7 days.

Hey folks, even as I type this I still find it hard to believe. Yesterday morning I woke up to a missed call from my dad, the cyclist in me first thought I'd missed a dope control. No such luck, yet again there was more bad news, my other Granny had passed away that morning. At the timed I didn't know what to be thinking, disbelief is the first thing that hit me. I'd just arrived back in Palma from my other Granny's funeral and here I was getting a call saying my Gran was dead. The next thing that hit me was the fact that I would most certainly miss her funeral. I was on a plane the next day heading for China.

Yet again I'm typing this on a plane with a sick feeling in my stomach. I feel awful missing my Gran's funeral but the horrible reality is that life goes on. Even saying that feels bad but I know I will pay my respects when I get home. To be honest there is a small part of me that feels good, I know that both my granny's are closer to me than they've ever been. I know they'll keep an eye on me and steer me in the right direction in the future!

Talk soon and hopefully it will be on a happier note.



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